Friday, December 31, 2010


birthday card from my beloved fiancee, Habibah

On 27-Dec-2010, my age added another number to 28. Yeah. 28 now. Anyway, some says age is just a number. Well, I partly agreed, because I don't really feel 1 year older on my birthday, however, some white hairs were found on my head from time to time. adeh. so I'm really getting older, am I?

My birthday this year was really full of blessings, with cup cakes, lovely presents from my fiancee and my brother, lots of wishes especially from family and friends. Not forgetting a chocolate cake 2 days before my birthday from my brother.

I very2 bersyukur to Allah swt, dengan segala kurniaan yang diberikan, segala nikmat kasih sayang, kebahagiaan dan panjang umur. Thanks for the wishes and presents especially to my beloved fiancee, thanks for being there and celebrate with me on my birthday!

:: aerobrain :: pi ::

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Maal Hijrah 1432H

Tup tup. Dah masuk 1432Hijrah. Happy New Year to all celebrating this new year. All over places baca doa Akhir Tahun dan Awal Tahun petang semalam. Although ada pendapat mengatakan amalan ini bidaah, apa salahnya kita baca doa sebagai mengingati kedatangan tahun baru Hijrah.

For me, I pray to the Al-Mighty Allah swt that this coming years will be better from the previous in any ways, not only for myself but for also my future wife Habibah, our family and our friends. May Allah swt always guide us toward the righteous path. InsyaAllah.

Happy New Hijrah Year again! Take care.

:: aerobrain :: pi ::